Observational cosmology, large scale structure of the universe, dynamics of gravitating systems, dynamical systems in astrophysics, numerical experiments, modeling, data analysis.
Prof. Gurzadyan about the Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics
The studies in the Center (Cosmology group* in the Theoretical department since 1990), were traditionally concentrated on the nonlinear problems of astrophysics and cosmology, with essential use of the methods developed in the theory of dynamical systems which enable one to deal with chaotic and related instability phenomena from rigorous positions. The number of performed studies range from the relaxation of the N-body gravitating systems and stability of the gravitating systems as of elementary catastrophes up to the instability of geodesic flows in the Wheeler-DeWitt superspace. The recent studies include the modified gravity and observational indications, hyperbolic properties of photon beams and cosmic voids, the properties of supernovae and host galaxies, etc.
Among the recent studies is the performing of the high accuracy test of light speed invariance (Kennedy-Thorndike test) at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble), participation in LARES satellite (ASI, ESA) program of testing of General Relativity and fundamental physics. The results were spread by international media and are now available in handbooks.
Reports at XXII Solvay conference in physics, General Assembly of International Astronomical Union, Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetic on “The Large, The Small and the Human Mind”, Sakharov conference (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow), the conference of Clay Mathematics Institute (Oxford) “The Mathematics of CCC“, etc.
Most of the current studies are performed via collaborations with noted centers.
*V.G.Gurzadyan and A.A.Kocharyan have been awarded the National prize for young scientists (Komsomol) for 1988 for studies in cosmology.
Gagarin-50, April 2011
Launch of Lares, February 2012
Swiss Science Biennial “The Large, the Small and the Human Mind”, Lucerne April 2012
Interview, June 2012 ( ARM, RUS)
Rome, LARES-2, workshop, September 2012
Book published, November 2012
Conference on Toward a Science of Consciousness, TSC-2013, March 2013
Oxford, September, 2013
Armenian TV1: The mystery of the dark Universe, Lecture by Prof.Gurzadyan; November 2013
ICTP workshop, August, 2014
Interview, December 2014
Workshop “Conformal Cosmology“, January 2015
Third LARES workshop, Rome, June 2015
Armenian TV1: Gurzadyan’s interview, November 14, 2015
Arm TV1 – News Haylur, Space museum, November 28, 2015
Article on LARES satellite tides highlighted at EPJ.Org, Phys.Org, Science Daily, Moon Daily, Space News, Februar, 2018
New Scientist, August, 2018
View pdf file
US Patent received on detecting somatic mutations
in human genomic sequencies, September 2018
LARES – LARES-2, GRM workshop,
Rome, July 2019
Information Panspermia (video)
May 16, 2019, Yerevan State University 100th anniversary, Gurzadyan’s lectures

ArmTV1: Gurzadyan’s interview, January 2021
Article, “Baikar”, Boston, February 28, 2021
Visit by Prof Ani Aprahamian to Space museum
LARES and LARES 2 workshop in Rome, May 30 – June 3, 2022
Public lecture, August 9, 2023
ArmTV1: Gurzadyan’s interview, August 2023
International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology, October, 2023
International Conference “Evolving Universe: Theory and Observations”,
October, 2024.
Last Updated on 2025.02.28