The LARES (LAser Relativity Satellite) satellite was launched on February 13, 2012, 10.00 GMT from European Space Agency’s Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana. Prof. V.G.Gurzadyan as a member of science team of LARES participated the events in Guiana Space Center linked to the launch of the mission. LARES liftoff was performed at the qualification launch of European Space Agency’s new rocket VEGA, a three-stage solidpropellant launcher, the 3 one, to follow Ariane 5 dedicated for larger payloads and geosynchronous orbits, thus inaugurating a new capability in Europe’s growing launcher family :
The LARES satellite (PI I.Ciufolini, Salento and Rome Universities, Italian Space Agency) is now on a geocentric orbit and is assigned to measure the predictions of the General Relativity, the frame dragging, the Lense-Thirring effect, with unprecedented precision of several percent. Such high accuracy measurements are crucial for constraints of basic physical principles, for revealing the nature of the dark

Last Updated on 2024.10.21