AFTER THE FLIGHT OF ORION-2 To Grigor Aramovich with deep respect and faith in Orion-3, 4 …! 12/26/73 V. Shatalov, Lieutenant General, cosmonaut V. Mishin, academician, general designer B. Rauschenbach, academician Yu. Semenov, leading designer B. Chertok, academician G. Titov, cosmonaut A. Nikolaev, cosmonaut A. Yelisev, cosmonaut K. Feoktistov, cosmonaut
1973. Letter from cosmonaut Leonov to Grigor Gurzadyan with a request to supply a simulator for training cosmonauts for the ORION-2 program.
1974. Act on the transfer of the cassette with the results of the ORION-2 flight
From twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk
From twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Valentin Lebedev
Invitation ticket to the opening of the museum with the autograph of V. Lebedev
From the documents of the initial stages of space equipment development in Armenia
From a copy of the letter from Chief Designer Mishin and Professor Gurzadyan on the results of the Soyuz-13 flight with the Orion-2 observatory
To the incomparable Grigor Gurzadyan – congratulating him with all my heart on his latest gift to his people – the opening of the Space Museum.