DRAGON: Orbital UV Telescope



Scientific supervisor G. Gurzadyan


The DRAGON project was developed in 1973-1978 under the leadership of G.A. Gurzadyan to obtain spectral images of the starry sky using a wide-angle 900 mm telescope. An objective prism was located at the telescope entrance as a dispersing element. To ensure high quality shooting, it was installed on a three-axis stabilized platform. In this case, it was planned to use precise KAMERTON star sensors developed at KOMZ within the framework of the PROCION project.


  • The goal of the project is spectral images of areas of the sky with a resolution of up to 18 magnitude.
  • Telescope – Schmidt system; Main mirror, diameter – 800 mm.
  • Image registration is on UV photographic film.
  • Stabilization by two reference stars by rotating a bunch of star sensors and a photo cassette relative to the center of curvature of the main mirror.
  • Three-axis gimbal – on elastic hinges with precision wave gears and a ball screw mechanism.
  • Tracking accuracy ± 2″.


Basic parameters of the optical design

DRAGON: Orbital UV Telescope

 Optical design Schmidt
Spectral range 800-3800 A
Inlet diameter 600 mm
Focal length 1500 mm
Relative aperture 1:2.5
Field of view 4.7 degrees
Image diameter, mm 120
Main mirror diameter 900 mm 
Prism angle 2 degrees
Linear dispersion, A/mm
at wavelength
– 1900 A 120
– 2500 A 330
– 3000 A 650


DRAGON: Orbital UV TelescopeDRAGON: Orbital UV Telescope
Design of the DRAGON telescopeBlock diagram of the DRAGON telescope stabilization system

It was assumed that a specialized automatic satellite would be created on the basis of the SOYUZ spacecraft, conducting the experiment in autonomous mode and docking with a manned orbital station only to replace photo cassettes or to carry out repair and maintenance work. At the preliminary design stage, a working prototype was developed and manufactured in Garni, albeit in a version with a 500 mm mirror. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, including financial reasons, the work was suspended and then closed altogether.

Technological model of the DRAGON observatory
Technological model of the DRAGON observatory




Last Updated on 2025.01.10