The landing capsule of the K-2 rocket observatory , launched to an altitude of 500 km in 1962 by an R5V rocket .
The ORION-2 space observatory (model), was launched into space on the SOYUZ-13 spacecraft . This model was presented at the EXPO-2000 world exhibition in Hanover.
The ORION-1 space observatory (technological prototype). It was launched into space as part of the SALUT-1 orbital station.
PROCYON : Lyman-alpha camera for the Sun; launched November 12, 1969 on the Cosmos-309 satellite from the Plesetsk cosmodrome; the autonomous satellite “Nauka” undocked and landed on Earth.
Autographs of the experiment participants on the camera that returned from space.
The focusing and image stabilizing unit of the secondary mirror of the 800mm telescope of the Astron satellite. 1983
The unit allowed the telescope focus to be changed within ±5 mm in 1 µm increments and the image to be stabilized with an accuracy of 0.1 – 0.3 arc sec.
Rocket observatory stabilization platform, 1960-1980. This platform was launched 3 times to an altitude of 500 km.
Some of the scientific instruments installed in various configurations on the K-2 series rocket platforms.
Technological model of the DRAKON-500E observatory.
Star sensor of the stabilization system and the astronaut’s sighting device for aiming at the reference star of the ORION-2 orbital observatory.
The 240mm ultraviolet telescope OTL-451 was developed for the PROCION observatory and was used in the ORION-2 observatory and the K-4 rocket platform.
A stand with some exhibits: cassettes from the ORION observatories that have been in space , the helmet of cosmonaut V. Lebedev and his flight log.
One of the stands with original documents.
Visit to the museum in Garni
General view of the museum (Garni)
First visitors
Visit to the museum in Yerevan
General view of the museum (Yerevan)
Guide Ashot Zakharyan
Guide Sergey Mirzoyan
Guide Harutyun Khachatryan
Guide Аlexander Kashin
Guide Karen Bayramyan
V.Gurzadyan and Norayr Galikyan, winner of the schoolchildren’s competition at the museum. The prize is a photograph in the helmet of cosmonaut V. Lebedev. 2016