The 60s. The team of creators of the K series observatories. In the first row: third – Grigor Gurzadyan, fourth – Eddie Nersesyan, in the third row – Eduard Kazaryan, Stepan Saghatelyan, Robert Yepremyan, Ara Sargsyan, Areg Jarakyan. In the first row: second – People’s Artist Oganes Zardaryan.
A group of employees of SKB ASTRO. Fifth from the left is Emmanuel Gopp (Kazan). Third from the right is Pavel Dobychin.
Baikonur, 1986. At the launch pad of the Soyuz spacecraft. From left to right: Tigran Abrahamyan, Aram Avetisyan, Alexander Kashin, Andrey Kashin.
Baikonur, 1986. At the “Gagarin” start. On the right in the first row is Aram Avetisyan, in the second row from right to left are Andrey Kashin, Tigran Abrahamyan, Alexander Kashin.
Optical laboratory, in the center G. Gurzadyan and leading optician Georgiy Loretsyan
Areg Dzharakyan and Pavel Vadimovich Dobychin (designer of a number of large telescopes, after LOMO worked in Yerevan)
90s. The GLAZAR observatory development team
Alexander Kashin (Orion, Glazar) and Mkrtch Mkrtchyan (Glazar) at YerPhi, 23 years later.
Yuri Mardanyan and Marat Krmoyan at the dynamic stand on the roof of the scientific building in Garni
Working with the GLAZAR-2 observatory airlock. Robert Isadzhanyan and Anatoly Ayvazyan
A.Kashin and Eduard Nalbandyan. Testing the stabilization system of the ASTRON telescope on an independent platform in SKB Granit (Garni). Episode from the film studio TSENTRNAUCHFILM, 1983
Adjustment of the K-4 rocket observatory. Grigor A. Gurzadyan, Vanik Harutyunyan, Ashot Zakharyan, Rafik Ayvazyan
At the Yerevan Physics Institute, with the Italian Ambassador (left).
2012, YerPhi. Meeting of two leading designers:
E. Mnatsakanyan (Altair, 1974) and A. Kashin (Orion, 1972)