In total, from 1960 to the end of the 90s, about 40 cosmonauts and space flight candidates underwent pre-flight training in Armenia.
Training with the participation of our employees was also conducted in Star City, at RSC Energia and at the Baikonur testing ground.
During the flights, GIKA employees coordinated the work of cosmonauts from the Flight Control Center (Moscow) and the Center for Deep Space Communications (Evpatoria, Crimea).
Note by G.A. Gurzadyan and a copy of the plan for training cosmonauts to work with the ORION-2 observatory
Letter from cosmonaut A. Lenov to G. Gurzadyan with a request to develop and supply a simulator for the ORION-2 project
Letter from the Cosmonaut Training Center. There are 10 cosmonauts on the list of those arriving for training in Garni
Group of cosmonauts under the ORION-1 program: Pyotr Kolodin, Anatoly
Voronov, Viktor Patsaev, Nikolai Rukavishnikov near Lake Sevan.
In the temple in Garni. From left to right: Alexey Leonov, …, Vasily Lazarev, in the second row Karo Zakharyan, Oleg Makarov, Petr Kolodin